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Sectional sistered foundation repair with buttress. We developed this unique way of repairing foundations from the inside because of a need from my customers for a more cost effective alternative to other methods. Original foundation had large vertical crack from sill plate to footing, this is one of many similar repairs we have done at Hawthorn Lane condominium development.
Excavating in 2011 before I started cribbing the foundation
This excavation for a new house at “The Rise” was about 40′ x 100′ and up to 14′ deep, that’s about 2,000 cubic yards trucked out and much of the digging was in hard ground.
I did all of it in that excavator, it was a slow early spring and I had the machine anyways………otherwise I would have gotten a larger hoe.
Multistage basement replacement joint showing keyway & re-bar, waterseal for keyway not yet installed………………… drainrock and draintile to be finished after foundation section is poured.
Compacted fractured rock and gravel beneath foundation.
Multistage foundation replacement almost finished – this used to be a dirt crawlspace.
We are the only contractors we know of who have successfully replaced entire foundations without lifting the home.
Multistage full foundation replacement showing new water and sewer lines, twin jack posts are holding up corner of house.
That’s almost two feet of compacted fractured rock and gravel we’ve installed before we crib the new foundation.
Notice the old cast sewer line in the bank, trench beneath new pipes to be filled with drainrock after the connections are complete.
Sectional sistered foundation repair with buttress we completed in December 2013 at Hawthorn Lane Condominium development.
This is how we do drainrock
Windows in basement foundation are a weak point……..they need extra reinforcing.
Same with foundation steps.
This was a standard new foundation, 4 rows horizontal 15mm re-bar in wall, 2 rows 15mm in footing.
Our engineered foundation walls have many times this much re-bar.
PWF 2×10 ripped down for bucks…….notice the porcupining ?